As the debate over President Trump’s immigration policy and initiatives grows, so does his apparent determination to see his campaign promises put into action. The left, as expected, is in a fit of self-righteous rage over the efforts being made to curtail illegal immigration and remove illegals from the US, especially those who have committed crimes. However, also as expected, Mr. Trump is not backing down in the face of such resistance to the enforcement of the law, but is doubling-down.
The possibility of federal over-reach is a concern, especially in matters of law enforcement. Most crimes are of a local nature, and as such are the proper responsibility of state and local law enforcement. Injecting federal authorities into local matters is seldom a good idea no matter how it appealing it might be at the time. Hence, those who love liberty should be concerned when they see anything that appears to move towards the federalization of the state and local police.
All of this said, we are in anything but a normal environment. Cities and states are in active rebellion against established federal laws regarding immigration, and are harboring illegals in an effort to thwart their deportation. It’s an outrageous situation, so it comes as little surprise that the solution being implemented is somewhat unconventional. More on page two.
Distraction to the Putin -Rex oil deal my friends ….follow the money
I like Trump, I don’t agree with anybody in my life % 100, not my parents, not my brothers, not my best friends. But I agree with the idea on this and I’m willing to support it enough to see how this goes. I find myself in support of probably 80% of time so I like him. But I understand why people will just search for the smallest amount of negativity in anything he does just to hate him. I did it with Obama for 8yr but When I’m in a project I need to make adjustments to ideas and approaches to get some things worked out for the project to work. Sometimes you just have to do it instead of thinking about how to do it.
He had 8 years to put Sharia law into America and he didn’t. Conspiracy theory nuts are funny though
“If we allow George Bush’s unprovoked aggression against Iraq then it will destabilize the Mideast, create millions of refugees and inflict untold dangers on Europe” – French President, Jacques Chirac – 2003
When the French President spoke out against the invasion of Iraq after 9/11, most Americans became so angry that they changed the name of French Fries to “Freedom Fries”.
When George Bush invaded and destroyed IRAQ in 2003, total chaos forced MILLIONS of Muslims to escape to Europe and America. There are over 200,000 Muslim Iraqis in America now.
When Obama armed Syrian rebels (ISIS) to fight Assad, the chaos created MILLIONS of Syrian refugees who flooded Europe.
When Hillary supported the murder of Ghadaffi, the chaos created MILLIONS of Libyan and African refugees who flooded into Europe.
If TRUMP attacks Iran then another MILLION Muslim refugees will flood into Europe. There will soon be more Muslims in Europe than the Middle East.
Israel wants the USA to destroy every country in the region so they can reshape it according to a master plan (Greater Israel) and Europe and America will pay for it.
“If you take out Saddam’s regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region… The task and the great opportunity and challenge is not merely to effect the ouster of the regime, but also to transform the region.” – Ben Netanyahu (Zionist Leader)
Thank you for your service.. and Pray the feds do their job.
Sweet and then he will give them all nice new Brown Shirts to Wear
This is another advantage Canada has over the U.S., all police forces in Canada although separated by jurisdiction and core responsibilities are all representatives of the Crown meaning the federal government and as such are compelled to share information upon a discovery. I don’t know much about police forces in small town America but from the movies they all seem to be running their own show and are not very cooperative across jurisdictions.
Do it!
Truth and Action? F**e. But I thought that the right did not want a police nstate.
This government is not friendly to America! Every step President Trump makes, damn dems and protesters slap him in the face! Illegals are not crime free—they are committing a crime coming here illegally! So sick of rules for one but not another!