Little Jimmy Acosta has a lot more to worry about than Keith Olbermann trying to keep the monthly payments up on his Mom’s basement.
While most big boy adult reporters ought to have been thinking of intelligent thought-provoking questions to ask the President regarding improving immigration standards and protocols, little Jimmy had his hands down his pants stroking his own ego with glee oblivious to the spectacle he was causing around him. But leave it to CNN to send out the worst, most pathetic names in news to get the scope on what is really going on in terms of immigration reform. The left doesn’t really care at all about immigrants. The safer it is for immigrants to come and assimilate, the better it is for both newcomers and citizens. Yet unless those immigrants come bearing knives and the desire to rape your wife and daughter, the left wants nothing to do with them.
During a White House event on Tuesday with Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, President Trump was forced to expel little Jimmy from the room.
Head on over to the next page to watch this shocking exchange go down
It’s about time Acosta was told to leave. All he ever does is make a special of himself and disrupt the whole press process.
What is not being considered about Jim Acosta is he is just doing his job he was hired to do. Don’t focus to much on Jim but focus on his boss who hired Jim.
The billionaire’s in this country who employs and pay’s the Jim Acosta’s Of the f**e news should be investigated for FCC Crime’s. This is not a freedom of the press, it’s designed to influence voters.
Does Jim Acosta not understand English? They were all told numerous times to exit. He just stands there asking a very racist question. I do believe that the White House press should pull Jim Acosta’s press privileges for life. He does not deserve to be in this job. Seems that he only wants to hear his own voice 24/7.
He’s JUST trying TO BE THE NEWS and not report it. He wants HIS 15 minutes of fame and his own TV show or a BIG book deal. With his ego no wonder he’s divorced. IMHO.
He is there to agitate not report. Get him out.
The little lying F**K should have been removed from the White House the very day our President took office. Give the little p***k to me for a few minutes… he’ll shut up then… his jaw will be wired shut !
Just don;t mess with The Donald!
Two words: SEDITION ACT!
Do it NOW!
Lovely,he’s as irritating as a persistent
Acosta should not be allowed anywhere near the White House. He is rude, obnoxious and a sorry reporter.