Little Jimmy Acosta has a lot more to worry about than Keith Olbermann trying to keep the monthly payments up on his Mom’s basement.
While most big boy adult reporters ought to have been thinking of intelligent thought-provoking questions to ask the President regarding improving immigration standards and protocols, little Jimmy had his hands down his pants stroking his own ego with glee oblivious to the spectacle he was causing around him. But leave it to CNN to send out the worst, most pathetic names in news to get the scope on what is really going on in terms of immigration reform. The left doesn’t really care at all about immigrants. The safer it is for immigrants to come and assimilate, the better it is for both newcomers and citizens. Yet unless those immigrants come bearing knives and the desire to rape your wife and daughter, the left wants nothing to do with them.
During a White House event on Tuesday with Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, President Trump was forced to expel little Jimmy from the room.
Head on over to the next page to watch this shocking exchange go down
Acosta isn’t worth listening to. I usually check my email.
Ok..and what was wrong with that question? Was it that it was an obvious..”hell no I don’t want people of color from other countries to come here. Don’t want the ones from here here!”.?.. Just asking.
Little Jimmy Acosted his right to be a “journalist “by his childish ego actions .Go sit in the corner and play with yourself
So immature he’s not able to be an adult he was warned knew the rules yet continues to act Up like a spoiled child if he would listen he’s asking questions that have already been answered. Class clown and quite a joke
The JERK should have been kicked out a long time ago. Shows no respect for our President or the other reporters. Hope to never hear his name again
Why do we even bother with this twit.
I think CNN sucks and Acosta sucks too.Tasteless never ending garbage journalism. Its a pathetic bunch of dumb asses pretending to be journalists.
He gets his questions from that famed business thing AOC!
Its time to block CNN from his press conferences completely. They obviously condone this a**wipes actions. They don’t report the news, the important things, they want to smear this President and his administration. So, if no one from that station is allowed, maybe we could get real news.