Obama is talking about the terrorist attacks in Paris once again. Once again, he is getting it all wrong.
In the aftermath of the attacks he has displayed intense passion against Republicans, Islamophobia, and climate change, but he just keeps forgetting about ISIS.
He’s been given chance after chance to remedy his appalling blindness to terrorism abroad, yet he keeps fumbling the ball.
In his latest comments on Paris, Obama managed to make it all about his favorite topic, himself.
Rather than speak against theĀ terror that claimed over a hundred innocent lives in France, Obama seemed to go off on a tangent about how gosh darn awesome the French seem to think he is. Its all about him.
To see the video, continue to the next page.
barry the face of Evil
Yes Tony Devore I knew he was a FRAUD, before he got VOTED in, my HUSBAND n I DID NOT VOTE for HIM. Also we got the DVD on his father n him story, they got a book out on that ,2 .. we watched the DVD. obama has always lead a crooked life. He did heroin, he drank got in trouble, he’s college scores low, thats why he paid big money to keep his revords sealed.. I sat we AMERICANS SHOULD GO TO THE SUPREME COURT, AND DEMAND FOR ALL THAT’S BEEN calling concealed n EVEN obamas family , he’s half brothers spoke on obamas been a liar… his grandma even spoke how obama was. And thats not even his real name, its BARRY Barrack Soetoro.. His dad a criminal.. WELL THE TRUTH SHOULD BE public RECORD, he should have never been allowed to RUN FOR president when THEY knew he was from KENYA.. A BORN AMERICAN can only hold OFFICE, and thats whar pisses me off, HE’S a LIAR.. I NEVER liked him. After my HUSBAND TOLD me what obama is….
Because he is a muslim brotherhood and his entire administration are unqualified but muslim. ..he is doing jihad on the world while promoting marxist 101..gay rights and disruptive social norms.
Trump is the only one to fight congress and make them do right..if he has to he will expose their illegal activity. .we need changes from within. .
When are you spineless politicians gonna quit worrying about your pocket books and start taking care of America
IMPEACH Obama is the Worst President in US History
Here’s to you obama. UP YOURS!
He is absolutely a Disgrace to America and the World
How many
More. Days until we never have to hear him again