In the video clip that follows, President Obama speaks of the sanctity of the vote. If he were only speaking in the proper context, he would have a valid point. Unfortunately, he’s not. In perhaps the most blatant, illegal “get out the vote” effort for Hillary, he has publicly announced that citizenship is not a requirement to vote in the election.
This isn’t just a matter of bad policy, this is a criminal act on the part of Mr. Obama: The President of the United States Barack Obama has boldly and publicly just told a segment of the US population to go commit a crime. Have we gotten so used to criminality pouring out of the Obama-Clinton axis that nothing phases us anymore?
And to think we used to just worry about citizens being bussed around at government expense to influence the outcome.
I believe if you vote you are a citizen, after all it illegal for illegals to vote and our election system should be on top of it. Driver License and ID’s should be able to run through a system similar to credit cards to validate voters. Should be simple enough to do. Also, in Alabama we are registered and not just anyone can come in to vote on election day.
Any state that allows illegals to vote on our national elections, should lose votes, ,
Terry McManus, what do you think of this? Jim,
What we tolerate today our children will embrace tomorrow. Silent No More Donald Trump for President 2016.
This guys legacy it Total$#%&!@* Right in your stupid faces this POS says the most cherished thing a LEGAL CITIZEN has The Right To VOTE is now given to non citizens illegals because he says so Fuk him..
And when you don’t you are not, The
Logic of a Puppet, Why and How this
Idiot is called a Professor.?
If any illegals do try to vote then they should be locked up on the spot. What part of non citizens are not allowed to vote do democrats not understand? Why is Oasswipe allowed to get by with this c**p knowing good and well it against the law.
A Puppet gone Rogue, cut the strings, no more damage.
You can blame that on our Government, they’re a bunch of door mats.