In the video clip that follows, President Obama speaks of the sanctity of the vote. If he were only speaking in the proper context, he would have a valid point. Unfortunately, he’s not. In perhaps the most blatant, illegal “get out the vote” effort for Hillary, he has publicly announced that citizenship is not a requirement to vote in the election.
This isn’t just a matter of bad policy, this is a criminal act on the part of Mr. Obama: The President of the United States Barack Obama has boldly and publicly just told a segment of the US population to go commit a crime. Have we gotten so used to criminality pouring out of the Obama-Clinton axis that nothing phases us anymore?
And to think we used to just worry about citizens being bussed around at government expense to influence the outcome.
He doesn’t even know his own laws lol
I think he already said he was going to Canada. But I think Iran would be better.
New World Order Take Over – Wake up Odumbass is for ISIS/BLM/Illegal Aliens and wants a Muslim/Raciest/Illegal Alien take over , what did you think when he said fundamental change, those who voted for him are dumbasses, Anyone or anything that is for ISIS/Racists BLM/ illegal Aliens and the spread of Islam/Racism/Hate Against Americans should be dealt with, with Extreme Prejudice, he’s setting us up for attacks (and force us to Defend our Rights and Ourselves) so he can declare martial law to suspend the Election/Government!!!! To stay in power!!!! He’s pushing this And Clintons are for the same, Wake Up!!!!
I’m appalled…..
What an IDIOT. So glad he is leaving.
Only American citizens have the right to vote in American elections.
If you have already voted for Trump, Thank You!!
Please volunteer to drive a registered voter to their poll so they can vote too.
Vomit should not be encouraging non-citizens to participate in our elections.
This coming from a so called constitutional lawyer! He is not worthy of the title of President! Will be gone soon, thank God.
You lie
I do not care if Donald Trump called a woman fat. I do not care if he tried to sleep with a woman or if he likes “beautiful” women. I care that he sent a plane to pick up 200 Marines who were stranded after desert storm. I care that he supports our police officers and first responders. I care that he supports guns and standing behind our military. I care that he supports the death penalty and is AGAINST abortion. I care that he supports enforcing immigration laws. I care that he wants to destroy radical Islamic groups. I care that he supports COAL. These are things I care about. Him talking sexually about women does not bother me. Were they mean words? Yes. Were they words spoken in PRIVATE? Yes. Have you ever talked to your friends about the opposite sex in private and said things? I’m positive all of you have. But, News Flash!! Women have been sexualized for centuries!! Jay-Z, Lil’ Jon, Lil’ Wayne and every single other rapper helped establish that platform, but people are ok with music blasted all over the radio degrading women. Ever heard of Victoria Secret? Or their fashion show? Ever heard of Hooters? People are ok with that too. Until all of these things are different, women will be viewed this way. Your precious Obama couldn’t change that and Hillary can’t either. I feel sorry for the women Donald has belittled and said terrible things about. But I’m still much more offended by what Hillary Clinton has DONE over what Donald Trump has SAID… PERIOD!!!! So Trump doesn’t do well at the debates, maybe he even sounds childish and incapable. But he is speaking the truth! Just because he’s not a polished politician like Hilary or Obama doesn’t mean he’s unqualified to be president. He cares for this country, not growing the size of his pockets. That man has so much money he could never spend it all. He gets NOTHING out of being president! I’m standing for the man accused of saying mean words. I’ll never back a woman under three different scandal investigations, murder at Benghazi, and the secretive email scandal which has been nothing but lies from the beginning. Trump 2016!!!
Copy and paste!!! And pass it on #trumpforpresident
WOW!!!! Unreal how this garbage would do anything to continue his anti American agenda!!