In the video clip that follows, President Obama speaks of the sanctity of the vote. If he were only speaking in the proper context, he would have a valid point. Unfortunately, he’s not. In perhaps the most blatant, illegal “get out the vote” effort for Hillary, he has publicly announced that citizenship is not a requirement to vote in the election.
This isn’t just a matter of bad policy, this is a criminal act on the part of Mr. Obama: The President of the United States Barack Obama has boldly and publicly just told a segment of the US population to go commit a crime. Have we gotten so used to criminality pouring out of the Obama-Clinton axis that nothing phases us anymore?
And to think we used to just worry about citizens being bussed around at government expense to influence the outcome.
Hey$#%&!@*monkey, I mean Mr. President that’s actually against our laws you know the ones you vowed to uphold.
this stupid bastard just committed treason on national telivision
He was talking about millennials, more doctored information.
This is treason. No head of any country would ever say this. He is a disgrace and he should be removed from office immediately. He is a traitor to our country in every way. He is telling people to break our election laws. This is very serious.
Mr. President you are breaking the law
No you vote because you are already a citizen. No wonder he was a teacher of the U.S. Constitution. He forgot what it states.
They can not vote, it is illegal! Unless the are a citizen of this country you can not vote! We will demand a recount and proof of citizenship! Time to protest loud and clear America!
He is committing treason if he allows illegal and non citizens to vote ! Call for impeachment and imprisonment!
A US President encouraging illegals that broke immigration laws to taint US elections? Impeach his a$$ before he gets out the door with a pension.
This is a crime