What are we coming to when someone is nominated to be a federal judge who may very likely hold a worldview that teaches a social and judicial system that are anathema to our society, laws, and Constitution? We’re coming to the bizarre world that leaders (sic) like Obama and Pelosi envision for America.
First, we have the appointment of Zaki Barzinji as the associate director of public engagement to the Muslim-American community. I didn’t know we had or needed such an official. Anyway, he’s the grandson of a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist suspect.
Appointing people with ties to terrorism to positions that give them access to sensitive information and high-level government officials should give one pause.
Next, we have minority leader Nancy Pelosi who appointed U.S. Congressman Andre Carson (D-IN) to a House intelligence committee that naturally interacts closely with highly classified information. Who is Carson and why is this a concern? This fellow believes, among other things, that our schools should teach Islamic Law with their foundational document not being our Constitution or the Declaration of Independence but the Qu’ran. He has also made comments about our being unable to stop the progress of Islam in this country. Why is he even a Congressman? Are the people of his district in Indiana nuts?
So we come to the topic of this article, the nomination of a Muslim-American to the federal bench by Mr. Obama. What’s to be made of this?
The president has been pulling some shady$#%&!@*at the end of his term, I wouldn’t doubt Obama elected this jihad after he gave him citizenship. This however is not good at all, he needs to be impeached already!
Hell NO !
Congress do not approve Obama’s obomination!
Don’t allow it,too many Muslims in our govt already,infiltration into our country!!!
No. Not even if he takes the Oath of Office and swares to uphold and defend the Constitution of the US. Liberal Judges have always taken the Oath and then cribbed around our laws to corrupt the system. As a Muslem he is obligated to practice Taqiyya and lie. I say NO. I prefer the USA to a Islam Caliphate.
Of course! More steps to ensure America has people in place to change our laws to suit Islamists. Everyone voting for Hillary will perpetuate these ideals, flood the country with immigrants who have no intentions of assimilating but destroying America and our way of life.
I am sure by now “everybody” knows he was never a Judge. So why is Obama giving him the position?
It’s only the beginning of his plan… CAN’T SEEM TO POST… POST-CONCUSSION SYNDROME SEVERELY IMPACTS HILLARY’S COGNITIVE ABILITIES. PARKINSONS Rx causes hallucinations, psychosis, confusion, dry mouth – hence the coughing, dizziness – hence the falls, sweating – hence her stating on 9.11 ceremony she left due to overheating, impulse control disorders, depression and damage to peripheral nerves. WE DON’T WANT A COMMANDER WHO CAN ONLY WORK PART TIME MONDAYS – FRIDAYS, ALWAYS RESTING ON WEEKENDS; too weak to stand without leaning on concrete post of other stable support. We need a leader that can think clearly, without impulse disorders and doesn’t call the majority of the citizens “deplorable”!