More evidence that Donald Trump is the Republican candidate who will pose the most serious challenge to the Democrats continues to trickle in.
According to PredictIt, a project that brings universities across the country together in guessing the chances of candidates of winning, Trump is the most likely to win primary elections this coming April. His chances are so good apparently that only came in second place in one state, Wisconsin, where he closely trailed Ted Cruz.
The researchers reached this conclusion by examining the political prediction market, which is characterized as the “stock market of politics.” In contrast to many methods used to foretell election results, the prediction market is actually fairly accurate, with it often leaving political polls and pundits in the dust.
The project’s predictions will no doubt be a great source of excitement to the Trump campaign and a major disappointment to the Cruz campaign, which has tried to market itself as the only viable alternative to Trump.
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Jump on the Trump Train!
Suck it up GOP and start supporting a winner.
Trump all the way!
might want to get ready for it…..bama has said hes going to use all our tax dollars to take trump down….bama has striked a war within our country…every day hes legalizing immigrants to vote….planting seeds of hate…yep its going to be a whopping end of the year
Good citizens are trying to avoid a Constitutional Revival, which will leave 100,000,000 Americans dead in its wake. Mr. Trump is the best hope to avoid it,,, If it CAN be avoided…
Come on Wisconsin…join the long list of states who recognize Trump as a man whose only reason he is running for president is because he truly just loves America. I see what a mess this country has become and I see this man (Trump) who doesn’t need this mess willing to take it on for only one reason….love of country. That’s why I’m voting for Trump.
Come on Wisconsin…join the long list of states who recognize Trump as a man whose only reason he is running for president is because he truly just loves America. I see what a mess this country has become and I see this man (Trump) who doesn’t need this mess willing to take it on for only one reason….love of country. That’s why I’m voting for Trump.
The fools will see you at the voting booth, traitor.
Go Trump, GO!!!!
For you CRUZ supporters or those of you Rubio supporters that are switching to Cruz…. Honestly if you would really research Cruz and see what he actually stands for and what we have to lose… YOU WOULD NEVER VOTE FOR CRUZ !!! If you support Cruz, you support NAU… North America Union…. that would make Canada, America, Mexico ALL ONE with open borders and a superhighway from Mexico to Canada for open trade…. His wife Heidi works for Goldman Sachs and is all for this…. Cruz is a plant from the BUSH family that wants this and this has been in the making for years !!! They do not want to CLOSE the borders and build a wall… they want open borders and freely travel, ONE CURRENCY for all 3 Countries…. No more Sovern Nation, Constitution, Freedoms as we know it…. Does it not surprise anyone that a Canadian is running for President of the United States of America ???? He is not even Eligible for POTUS. On the Democrat side we have Hillary with her agenda to continue Obama’s legacy of NWO.. New World Order and on the Republican side we have Cruz, Rubio, Jeb trying to continue the BUSH agenda of NAU… North American Union. THE only PERSON trying to stand up and STOP all of this is DONALD J TRUMP. He is fighting for our FUTURE, our FREEDOMS, our CHRISTIANITY and our CONSTITUTION ….. so tell me again why you are voting for anyone else ?? Does this not make sense to you now why the media, establishment, RNC, DNC, GOPe, SOROS, and everyone else you can think of is against him….. We The People need TRUMP if we are to have a future for ourselves, our families, and our COUNTRY !!!!! All Welcome to the #TrumpTrain the #WeThePeople movement with Donald J. Trump to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Jobs for Americans, Not Government Dependent Handouts !!! Americans earn their way to obtain the hopes and dreams they want for themselves and their families….. Not have the Government take away their hopes and dreams and make them dependent for handouts…. That is not the American Way !!!
Screw you! You constitutionally turn coat illiterate trumpsickle.
It’s great. The other candidates are so worried about trump they can’t worry about themselves. This will make them angry. Like children. Lol. Go trump. Keep worrying about yourself and not the others in the race.