More evidence that Donald Trump is the Republican candidate who will pose the most serious challenge to the Democrats continues to trickle in.
According to PredictIt, a project that brings universities across the country together in guessing the chances of candidates of winning, Trump is the most likely to win primary elections this coming April. His chances are so good apparently that only came in second place in one state, Wisconsin, where he closely trailed Ted Cruz.
The researchers reached this conclusion by examining the political prediction market, which is characterized as the “stock market of politics.” In contrast to many methods used to foretell election results, the prediction market is actually fairly accurate, with it often leaving political polls and pundits in the dust.
The project’s predictions will no doubt be a great source of excitement to the Trump campaign and a major disappointment to the Cruz campaign, which has tried to market itself as the only viable alternative to Trump.
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Trump for President
Hillary, “progressive” for 8 months. Bernie, progressive for 50 years… Do you really know the candidates?? Seriously now… maybe why you never hear Bernie saying he “needed to evolve” with “learning moments” yuh think??
Bernie has foresight and good judgment in the beginning, when it matters. Hillary blows BEHIND the social / political winds. She then apologizes later to make everything all better. She is a centrist with bad judgment. Nothing more. We expect the leader of the free world to have Bernie’s judgment and character. Life long champion of the people.
Hillary’s judgment errors: TPP, Iraq, $15 hr. – thank you California! Literally passing by Hillary’s poor judgment (no, not $12 hr. Hillary), Libya, Patriot act, Afghanistan, DOMA/Gay rights, Syria, Keystone pipeline, War on drugs, Carbon Tax, No Child left behind, Bank Bailouts, Campaign finance/citizens united (has pacs and superpacs now!), NAFTA (said it was a bad idea), Crime Bill (apologized for ‘superpredator’ gaffe, crack-cocaine sentencing disparity), welfare reform bill (apologized for), Banking reform (wants to make it more expensive for traditional banks to be big, shadow banking reform only), Wall street reform (has nothing here yet, a future flip flop), death penalty (still confused on this one and will come to Bernie’s stance soon), fracking (also still confused, will move to Bernie’s stance), Immigration (voted to kill the bill after backing it initially)….. regarding the TPP, she will again be for it once elected. Why? Corporations wrote and enforce the TPP terms. Corporations write her platform…. Compare. Decide. Vote.
Lots of democrat shills posing as “conservative Republicans ” posting anti-Trump comments. Just ignore them. Or count them. Either way. 😀
Trump is a socialist, for social security and Medicare. He’s also a liberal, for pp, pro choice, and marriage equality.
Go Trump, we need the change
but yesterday someone said to me that trump is a Freemason via @youtube
Please share this video.
.we can’t have Cruz in the white house. . Vote Trump
go go trump go go ………..