More evidence that Donald Trump is the Republican candidate who will pose the most serious challenge to the Democrats continues to trickle in.
According to PredictIt, a project that brings universities across the country together in guessing the chances of candidates of winning, Trump is the most likely to win primary elections this coming April. His chances are so good apparently that only came in second place in one state, Wisconsin, where he closely trailed Ted Cruz.
The researchers reached this conclusion by examining the political prediction market, which is characterized as the “stock market of politics.” In contrast to many methods used to foretell election results, the prediction market is actually fairly accurate, with it often leaving political polls and pundits in the dust.
The project’s predictions will no doubt be a great source of excitement to the Trump campaign and a major disappointment to the Cruz campaign, which has tried to market itself as the only viable alternative to Trump.
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He is a democrat fool.
I will only vote for Trump. He’s the only one that can bring America back
Trump all the way
Trump 2016
Stop and think , who is the person everyone is so worried about becoming The next president ? Not Hillary , Not Cruz , Rubio is gone , no one is worried about Kasick . Everyone don’t want Trump to change the way Washington is running the country , while the people keep losing more and more . Donald Trump will bring back jobs , fix healthcare , and get a good education for our children . We will no longer be at the mercy of business as usual in our government . It is past time for a change for the people in this country . It is time to put the control back in the States and the peoples hands . Trump will make those changes , that is why the GOP and others are attacking him in any why they can !!!
Donald Trump WINS in
New Hampshire
South Carolina
Nevada. Georgia
Alabama Michigan
Tennessee Vermont
Arkansas Virginia
Louisiana Hawaii
Kentucky Florida
Mississippi Illinois
North Carolina Arizona
Not only is Donald Trump
the smartest man running for the presidency of these United States. He is the only one willing to finance his campaign out of his own pocket. Which means all others taking Super Pac which means those taking owes Favors that is not in the people’s interests.
Build the Trump wall!
Get rid of common core!
Eliminate Obama care!
Give Social Security people a raise!
Take care of Veterans
Cut out welfare for people that can work!
Read UN Agenda 21!
Outlaw Lobbying and all other forms of bribery!
Vote for Trump’s tax plan!
Vote for Term Limits!
Vote for a Balanced Budget!
Bring back employers who
Have gone abroad to escape taxes!
Ban and deport Radical Muslims! deport illegal immigrants.
Trump wants immigrants but they have to come legally.
Trump is Pro Life
Trump uses his own plane cost 0 dollars for taxpayers
No salary for Trump
Jump on the Trump Train
Trump is Not Racist
Everyone voting make sure it doesn’t change the name your voting
Trump needs
New York Connecticut
Delaware Maryland
Pennsylvania Nebraska
Rhode Island
California Wyoming
Trump is the only one that loves America and the People.
Plane`s now boarding for everyone going to Canada