More evidence that Donald Trump is the Republican candidate who will pose the most serious challenge to the Democrats continues to trickle in.
According to PredictIt, a project that brings universities across the country together in guessing the chances of candidates of winning, Trump is the most likely to win primary elections this coming April. His chances are so good apparently that only came in second place in one state, Wisconsin, where he closely trailed Ted Cruz.
The researchers reached this conclusion by examining the political prediction market, which is characterized as the “stock market of politics.” In contrast to many methods used to foretell election results, the prediction market is actually fairly accurate, with it often leaving political polls and pundits in the dust.
The project’s predictions will no doubt be a great source of excitement to the Trump campaign and a major disappointment to the Cruz campaign, which has tried to market itself as the only viable alternative to Trump.
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I will only vote for Trump. The rest are no different than the Dems.
Trump 2016!
Trump 100%
Donald Trump has inspired many, many Americans. Some of the people have never voted, some have not voted for a very long time. Trump has re lit the fire in the hearts and minds of the people of the United States of America. The attention that Trump has brought to this election is remarkable. Donald Trump has brought hope that the American people can once again have a voice in the decisions that our so called lawmakers make. Both Parties are scared to death that Trump will EXPOSE all of the corruption that has infected our Government. Do you want to know just what is really happening to our tax dollars? Don’t you want to know why the United States of America is 20 trillion dollars in debt? Elect Donald Trump as our next President, and he will tell you the answers.
California and Wisconsin, The American people are counting on all of you to VOTE for Donald Trump!
Go Trump
The GOP will hold their biggest salvo on Hillary until it is too late for the DNC to field a viable campaign or candidate, then let fly the biggest bombs. Surprise MOFOs
Trump in 2016!!
Everyone vote Trump
BS! Only a complete politically and constitutionally illiterate fool would vote for this NYC liberal socialist democrat posing as a conservative!