The poor kids in Antifa are puppet protesters indoctrinated by the leftist agenda to romanticize the brutal desolation that is civil war and a communist society. For their cause, Antifa is being allowed to beat women and bash in skulls using skateboards and metal poles, while in many instances police are ordered to stand back.
There is a reason mainstream media has not been covering the vicious attacks against constitutionalists. Video after video shows Trump supporters being beaten in the streets and demonized for coming back swinging at the Antifa members drunk on the communist propaganda of the deep state.
The rise of Antifa is not a new grounds root movement that sprung up in response to Donald Trump’s victories win against the establishment. This new terror group is just a re-branding of the same old trickery neocon globalist have been carefully cultivating in American youth for decades.
One patriot has delivered a fiery message to President Trump: Handle the Antifa commie criminals or American patriots will!
Watch the video every Trump supporter should see on the next page:
I’m tired of this ANTIFA$#%&!@*too,but I hardly doubt that Patriots are ever gonna do a damn thing about them or anything else in this country
And Soros is paying them 500 for the day
Thier blood will be in the streets soon
Buy more Armo
Soros puppets.
Oh so true. Time to stop them. .c.
We really need more love in this about..take an Antifa terrorist fishing..they make perfect
Come Nov 4th approach me with a cover face an I will shoot each an everyone of you till I die
While I look at Antifa and laugh because they’re a threat to only themselves,if what I’ve been recently reading is even remotely true,we need to take them a little more seriously. I’m not saying they’re a force to be reckoned with in any way,but supposedly they have teamed up with 1-2 groups,that could get unsuspecting citizens hurt or even killed. 1 of these groups they’ve been rumored to be teaming up with,MS13 can be if people don’t know what they’re doing.
Everyone knows Obama was bringing in Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers under the guise of refugees. Take 1 look at the percentages of muslim males,ages 18-45(90%),and even a 1 fingered,retarded, moron can see,he was bringing any army of dem voters and intimidation squad.
What most people were unaware of though was,Obama was bringing in MS13 from our southern border at the same time. Also,to be a army of dem voters and Intimidation force. Which,by the way,lets on to dems true plans had Hillary of won. They were intending to overthrow this govt all along. Only it wasn’t supposed to truly begin until 4-8years,of President Hillary,bringing them in to the tune of millions,also backed by UN troops. They needed all these things in place in order to successfully pull it off,and maintain it.
They have none of that. Yet those they did get in MS 13 etc,are 50+k strong,and in certain areas/cities,their the dominant gang. In my area,their aren’t many,but places like NYC,LA,(mostly liberal areas),they are threat to innocent people.