The poor kids in Antifa are puppet protesters indoctrinated by the leftist agenda to romanticize the brutal desolation that is civil war and a communist society. For their cause, Antifa is being allowed to beat women and bash in skulls using skateboards and metal poles, while in many instances police are ordered to stand back.
There is a reason mainstream media has not been covering the vicious attacks against constitutionalists. Video after video shows Trump supporters being beaten in the streets and demonized for coming back swinging at the Antifa members drunk on the communist propaganda of the deep state.
The rise of Antifa is not a new grounds root movement that sprung up in response to Donald Trump’s victories win against the establishment. This new terror group is just a re-branding of the same old trickery neocon globalist have been carefully cultivating in American youth for decades.
One patriot has delivered a fiery message to President Trump: Handle the Antifa commie criminals or American patriots will!
Watch the video every Trump supporter should see on the next page:
That depends upon who is in power.
Soros has a couple of sons. Don’t know much about them but generally it is said that the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
The left are out of control!
This was a beautiful comment from that article. NEEDED to get it’s message out again.
From a Marine:
“If you are paid $25.00 an hour to show up to a rally to “counter” the other party using physical force and violence, you are not a “counter protestor.”
You are a mercenary.
There is no need for further debate on this. You were paid to attack someone you don’t know for reasons that you couldn’t care enough about to go there for free. You did your “job” and collected your check and your reimbursement of expenses.
You’re a mercenary.
Not a Patriot. Not a Social Justice Warrior. Not a Defender of Freedom or Liberty. Not an upholder of Truth or Justice. None of those things you claim to be.
You are a mercenary.
And mercenaries are not lawful combatants and deserve whatever comes their way at the hands of the people they are attacking.
You have no 1st Amendment rights when you’re a mercenary.
Doesn’t matter what side you’re on. Doesn’t matter what cause you’re showing up to disrupt.
If you can’t express yourself peacefully through diplomatic means, then you better be prepared to meet your maker at the hands of someone who is only barely keeping their own violent tendencies at bay through a massive exercise of self-control.
I know it sounds romantic to attend these rallies and get$#%&!@*started with the other side. And when you’re young and passionate, it’s really easy to get whipped up into a frenzy of raw emotions. There is a reason why young people are preferred when it comes to warfare. They are easy to manipulate and control and set off.
But I’m telling you all this right now. You’ve got no idea what road you are starting down. Romance and idealism wears off really fast when you’re laying in a pool of your own blood trying to stuff your intestines back into your torn abdomen.
I’ve been lucky enough to go forty-two years without having to put the skills I learned in the Marines to use. I continue to train and keep those skills up to date because I see the madness that is happening all across this country. I don’t train to attack others like you do. I train to defend others FROM you. I’m not alone either.
There are thousands of men and women in this country who have seen war and death and don’t want anymore to do with it. They want to live in peace. They want to forget the things they’ve had to do in the service of their country. They want to raise their kids and have family BBQs and build tree houses and soap box derby cars and have tea parties.
They don’t want this$#%&!@*that you’re selling.
You have the extremist left and the extremist right that are doing their best to get something started. To force us into a Civil War. Even in the 1860’s, the violence between the North and South was nowhere near what we see today. Nowhere. Even. Close.
And yet we still had a war of ideology that consumed hundreds of thousands of lives.
All you young and naive kids on both sides of this equation who think that having a Civil War will advance your agenda or restore your vision of what you think is America, just remember this…
Those of us older generations aren’t having this$#%&!@* And if you jump off, you better be prepared to deal with US. We don’t care what color you’re wearing or what sign you’re holding if you come after us, our friends, our family, our co-workers, our neighbors, etc., WE will kill you.
So remember that when you’re thinking that it’s just Left vs Right, or Liberal vs Conservative, or Commie vs. Fascist. We are the variable you’re not considering.
That “Silent Majority” that you pretend does not exist is getting really sick and tired of your b******t.”
Does it? It seems to me the same agenda has been advancing regardless of that.
Shoot a few they will mommy
It’s not a problem of racism in America. That hasn’t been a problem let’s see the last 8 years possibly 9. The problem here in America is just flat-out stupid people that believe everything they’re told. If we got rid of all the stupid people. We wouldn’t have any of these problems. So how about we get back to educating our children on the truth and fact. And then teaching them to educate themselves on top of that. Rather than just brainwashing them. You can’t change history. And a lot of the problems here are with people who seem to think that we can. Just a bunch of dumbasses
FCC and the FBI may be so afraid of the backlash of the media and liberals. They need to forget them and do their job or gives the jobs to those who will follow through. AMERICANS need to begin questioning how can liberals and the media have that much control. CNN can already be.held accountable for inciting riots that lead to the death, injury, and destruction of property.
Take them down with ovomit and soros
Your Skirting the issue Dude.. Your still saying that Trump is responsible for this divide but Someone Says Read a Book .. See for yourself that a puzzle fits.
I asked a couple of questions, presented fair side and am not paranoid or do I fear Anything.. I’m Conservative Veteran that is watching Civil Disorder pushing the limits of the Constitution..As much as we disagree, I have no right to force you how to feel… only suggest knowledge..
Something of which we can all benefit from..