The poor kids in Antifa are puppet protesters indoctrinated by the leftist agenda to romanticize the brutal desolation that is civil war and a communist society. For their cause, Antifa is being allowed to beat women and bash in skulls using skateboards and metal poles, while in many instances police are ordered to stand back.
There is a reason mainstream media has not been covering the vicious attacks against constitutionalists. Video after video shows Trump supporters being beaten in the streets and demonized for coming back swinging at the Antifa members drunk on the communist propaganda of the deep state.
The rise of Antifa is not a new grounds root movement that sprung up in response to Donald Trump’s victories win against the establishment. This new terror group is just a re-branding of the same old trickery neocon globalist have been carefully cultivating in American youth for decades.
One patriot has delivered a fiery message to President Trump: Handle the Antifa commie criminals or American patriots will!
Watch the video every Trump supporter should see on the next page:
National Guard deployment
Fine.. instead of talking about how to truly end racism in America.. we are going backwards.. Talking about punching people and beating them and using all sorts of violence.. Tearing down statues and flags and symbols… This is Exactly the sort of things that perpetuate racism, Grow racism and divide this country further and further until we have a civil war where millions of innocent people will die… Is that what you want??
Civil war is coming as history does repeat itself. This time not about anything but ADULTS VS STUPID CRYBABIES.
Our so called leaders on the left are behind this
The problem is these idiots are too dense to understand reason!
Bob Oconnor .. So do you think that violence is the only solution?
Bust heads pile like fire wood! Take handcuffs off of cops!
Barbara Bazzell LEO seem to be brainwashed too. They no longer serve and protect the public. We have “I’m not going to get hurt” attitude
I still stand with the President. People on both sides of that protest came looking for violence and got what they wanted, chaos and anarchy. People If you can’t live with free speech move to a country without it like Canada or Mexico!
Exactly what the left wants.. us to battle in the streets…
Alenski tactics all the way