Powerful Message to Trump: Handle Antifa Terrorists or the Patriots Will ‘Beat Them Down’

Antifa is backed by Clinton, Obama, Soros, and all of the other people who’ve come out swinging hard against Trump following his stunning win against the prevailing global political establishments and the deep state.

“Unable to appoint a contingent of Marxists, socialists, left-wing extremists, and globalists to positions of power in the next US administration because of the historic victory of Donald Trump, the Clintons, along with backers such as George Soros, have already implemented their Plan B: Stage a “Purple Revolution” in the US.

What does this monstrosity entail? Simple. Clinton, Soros, and their associates wish to co-opt the Trump administration by proposing the “bipartisanship” that they themselves would never allow in a Democratic administration. Hence the “Purple Revolution” as a mix of blue and red. It’s sickening, and Trump must refuse to play their game.”

Women are being beaten on the streets like they’re in a 3rd world Muslim country because Antifa is protected by the CIA and the police have been ordered to stand back.

The deep state knows that creating and supporting groups like Antifa will inevitably lead to bloodshed and civil war if Trump is unable to keep them check.

Patriots will not stand by and let the condition of women sink to levels only seen before in depraved countries run by openly heinous dictators. They know what happens when the people get duped into thinking that giving up their freedoms will lead to a better world. The stupid people (like the Antifa kids) get killed off like flies, and the real battle between hardcore Americans and the globalist elites begins.

Now, what is Trump going to do? Because if he doesn’t act, the patriots will step up to bat against the deep state and it will not be a pretty “protesting” picture for the dummy Antifa kids to post online. But let it be clear, despite their lack of common sense and willful ignorance of reality, the Antifa kids are still just that, kids and the situations unfolding in CA are beyond tragic.



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