What would happen if all those on welfare could not purchase food with their EBT cards? With 4.5% of the U.S. population, which is roughly 46.5 million Americans on welfare, the numbers who would go hungry and thus revolt out of outrage would be significant.
This however is not just a speculative possibility, but rather an on going issue with food stamp recipients not getting their benefit nine days into the month. Apparently there is a glitch in the EBT (electronic benefit transfer) system.
On Downdetector.com, many are commenting on the pending riots that very well may occur because those dependent on the EBT for food and benefits will respond much like the rioters in Ferguson.
On man stated, “The board is set for unbelievable rioting, looting and worse – and all that’s needed is a little spark; what better spark than one day, no one’s EBT cards work.”
Read how the Obama administration has been intentional in making people dependent upon the government and building up the SNAP program, on the next page.
But King Obama said he has put millions back to work?????
There should be a one year of receiving food stamps/walfare, efter that it stops for good which means get off your dead$#%&!@*and find a job, any job and take responsibility for your own life and family, period!
4.5% of the population is 14.5million.The so called 4.5% must be obamas words.
Børre Molund Rønqvist you are brainwashed, keep drinking the koolaide
The terrorist muzzies have the welfare now courtesy of TRAITOR OBAMAS mislim brotherhood in our gov. !
Get a job… You know the democrats have your back….so you just figure us working stiffs will feed and support you.
The damn Democrats put you in that position and you don’t have enough sense to realize it!
obama’s fault.
Terrell Smith, I understand where you’re coming from. However, I’d be interested in what else makes your blood boil! There’s a whole lot of evil going on in the world to get worked up about. A difference of opinion from someone you don’t know or respect should be the last issue on your list! That’s never going away and nobody can change that. There’s plenty that can be changed that’s a lot more urgent!
Some are disabled or the poor retired that paid into the system all their lives. Don’t automatically think that everyone receiving benefits are lazy working age people.