What would happen if all those on welfare could not purchase food with their EBT cards? With 4.5% of the U.S. population, which is roughly 46.5 million Americans on welfare, the numbers who would go hungry and thus revolt out of outrage would be significant.
This however is not just a speculative possibility, but rather an on going issue with food stamp recipients not getting their benefit nine days into the month. Apparently there is a glitch in the EBT (electronic benefit transfer) system.
On Downdetector.com, many are commenting on the pending riots that very well may occur because those dependent on the EBT for food and benefits will respond much like the rioters in Ferguson.
On man stated, “The board is set for unbelievable rioting, looting and worse – and all that’s needed is a little spark; what better spark than one day, no one’s EBT cards work.”
Read how the Obama administration has been intentional in making people dependent upon the government and building up the SNAP program, on the next page.
Sorry man worked in social services 28 yrs and they are mostly black,but there’s a good amount of whites that are lazy people too.
But AG Loretta Lynch, in all of her ignorant, racist glory, stated a few months ago, that blacks will not be arrested or prosecuted for crimes because 1. Under-educated 2. Poor 3. Mental issues.
Oh Look another thing solely due to the Kenyan’s dictatorship.
Rick is an idiot shoot people because they are hungry there aren’t enough jobs for everyone so people who don’t have jobs you are saying should die well I say$#%&!@*you and your thoughts I would like to whoop your$#%&!@*but you have the right to think the way you want but don’t cry when it’s your family out of work starving then get shot cause they are hungry
Gary y do u need boots to look for a job where are you from West Virginia these ignorant comments make my blood boil
give these peope food, yes they are acting like criminals, yet they more whites are on welfare yet you dont see them causing riots everytime they dont get their way, i say$#%&!@*it let the animals kill themselves with ignorance, how can one figure out a solution if you bastards always gotta trash up a place, i get it survival ,but should be more organized, its also not right for government to interfere with free non profit food organizations preventing hungery people from eating free food that will get tossed to the garbage, wtf does people have against the homeless and the poor, classisum
white people on welfare too you dont see them causing riots and stealing lol ,i steal from stores but on the solo
more whites on welfare yet the reason why you dont see them rioting stores is because they dont do it thats why, when have u ever seen a white mob attack a store in general not often, in each person experience u dont see that$#%&!@*because it hardly ever happens that doesnt make white people racist it just gives blacks an excuse to continue the riots and use the race card as a victim of a hate crime SHIELD, a shield to pardon blacks of hate crimes and civil unrest
just give them food ,
i hate greedy people when it comes to food no matter what color u are