The ten U.S. sailors who were seized by Iranian gun boats when they drifted into Iranian territorial waters have been released without incident. It appears that one of the boats suffered from some type of mechanical failure, and negotiations for the sailors release were quickly accomplished. It helped that the Farsi Island location at which the boats were found drifting was neither a strategic location, nor a sensitive location for communications or other military activities.
A video has surfaced wherein one of the sailors appears to be apologizing for the accidental incursion, which could complicate things for the sailors.
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Bull . Who was in charge?
obozo bowes down to them and nobody is charging him
Why should he be punished when the Obama administration apologized too? Are Obama and Kerry going to be punished?
Interesting….. If the rumors are true and they were carting around the New ISIS Leader than many within the Military should have charges coming….
Damn straight. We resist the enemy and we don’t apologize for anything.
But we will let Obama and Hillery off clear, what a bunch of bull$#%&!@*…..
Are we enlisting people who do not know what they are doing now?
This officer should never have been put in the position of capacity
He is a disgrace for sure a DEM for sure also Obama will have him up for medal of Honor that’s how he feels