The ten U.S. sailors who were seized by Iranian gun boats when they drifted into Iranian territorial waters have been released without incident. It appears that one of the boats suffered from some type of mechanical failure, and negotiations for the sailors release were quickly accomplished. It helped that the Farsi Island location at which the boats were found drifting was neither a strategic location, nor a sensitive location for communications or other military activities.
A video has surfaced wherein one of the sailors appears to be apologizing for the accidental incursion, which could complicate things for the sailors.
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No, If the president of the United States can “Bow” the the King of Saudi Arabia. What’s a sailor to do ? Since he knew Obama wasn’t going to send help
I hope they bring charges and maybe we’ll find out what really happened.
Make America Great Again, Trump 2016
I dont think he should be charged. He did not act to happy, telling them he was sorry. I figure they made him.
Are you kidding they should be given a medal
They were armed why didn’t they fire their weapons?
Charge him
I kind of saw this coming. I’m betting somebody is going to be a scapegoat. it’s double standards. politicians can do what they want but soldiers can’t. I understand soldiers have a code of conduct and this is the way it should be, but shouldn’t politicians have that samecode of conduct?