The ten U.S. sailors who were seized by Iranian gun boats when they drifted into Iranian territorial waters have been released without incident. It appears that one of the boats suffered from some type of mechanical failure, and negotiations for the sailors release were quickly accomplished. It helped that the Farsi Island location at which the boats were found drifting was neither a strategic location, nor a sensitive location for communications or other military activities.
A video has surfaced wherein one of the sailors appears to be apologizing for the accidental incursion, which could complicate things for the sailors.
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We will bring charges against the President for creating the problem or for his apologizes all over the world.
Everything on your boat was confiscated radars guns everything all equipment and I never got anything back thanks to Obama
Well Obama bowed down to the King of Saudi Arabia for the world to see. As Hillary would say, what difference does it make?
the sailor just bought some time till he can give Iran what they e got Coming to them I spades,
Then why does the head bigger defend bergdahl?
how many times has the commander in chief done that to forieign countries a BUNCH
Our government and “leaders” apologized too, so do they get punished?
If he is charged and Obama gets away with this well…… Just goes to show what’s really going on