The ten U.S. sailors who were seized by Iranian gun boats when they drifted into Iranian territorial waters have been released without incident. It appears that one of the boats suffered from some type of mechanical failure, and negotiations for the sailors release were quickly accomplished. It helped that the Farsi Island location at which the boats were found drifting was neither a strategic location, nor a sensitive location for communications or other military activities.
A video has surfaced wherein one of the sailors appears to be apologizing for the accidental incursion, which could complicate things for the sailors.
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Obviously you’ve never served in the military or stood for anything in your life.
Yes! There is codes of conduct in military but you get captured you do not know what is going to happen yes they drifted there. Under the circumstances i would have apologized to save lives if anyone should be in trouble it should be Obama
They should have never got the boat, unless they were all dead! Its the Fuckn NAVY not a Yacht Club!
Why , Obama bows!
Leave the Sailor alone he could be dead.
Global warming made him
Heidi Hogan name rank serial # THATS it !!!!!!!!!!! Yes I served!!!!!!!!!!
You wouldn’t have done it, you’d have been busy pissing your drawers.
Yet we can let a crooked administration make deals with the very ones who captured them? Whats wrong with this picture??
Scott Fitch where did you serve?