Attempts to enforce our immigration laws are having some very unusual results. There’s the obvious illegality of establishing sanctuary cities where illegals can take refuge sponsored by local governments to help them avoid arrest by federal immigration authorities. We’ve also seen evidence to support the belief that illegals were deliberately allowed to vote in last November’s elections. None of this does anything to support respect for our laws.
Now it has been alleged that a judge has helped an illegal alien, on trial for driving while intoxicated, to escape from federal authorities trying to arrest the man for immigration law violations. It’s yet another strange twist as this country tries to come to terms with the enforcement of its laws — one you’ll learn about on page two.
She should be disbarred, stand trial for aiding and abetting a criminal and go to jail.
Get her off of the bench
Deport the judge
This this judge need to be disbarred and prosecuted, for aiding and abetting
Send her straight to jail.
Fired, disbarred, tried and jailed.
Where does it say in the law a judge can’t be arrested for not following the law.just a matter of time before some ppl start dealing with these judges like the peices of$#%&!@*they are. Lead or copper is just fine
Never forget
Talk about discimination- I don’t think it is her job to make the laws .iShe helped him because he is hispanic. If that had been a white guy —I don’t think she would have helped him.. She has demonstrated that she is biased and racist. She should be removed from the bench
Never forget Americans jumping from the 63 floor so not to be burnt to death never forget never forgive