Now Pope Francis has called himself a “son of immigrants” and confirmed the point by issuing a blunt warning to any religious orders in Europe that spurn his recent call to open their doors to refugees because they want to make money off their properties instead. The pope, by the way, is from Argentina. And no, he is half immigrant, his father came from Italy, his mother was born in Buenos Aires.
Go ahead, the pope said, but be ready to pay taxes just like everybody else. The grand steps the pope is taking to help refugees is on the next page:
Pope and all religeons should give up all their gold to help the poor n needy
What !!
Satan at work
What is up with the Pope. Did he sell out to Islam? He knows wherever the Muslim goes there is nothing but trouble, death and disruption. Why doesn’t he allow Muslims to throw tents up in Vatican city?
Put all of them in the Vatican
” With all due respect’ You Lost everything” Sorry””””””
Didn’t know he was in charge of the government. Maybe he a bit confused with the last eight years with OBUMMER
how much are you gona pay satan you have taken in 0 false prophet
When will Catholics dump this idiot? He is a disgrace to Catholics, Christianity and Western civilization.
He can try!! He is an egomaniac!