With all of the controversy that surrounds Pope Francis, there’s a growing weight in the minds of Christians and Catholics that he’s not the man many of them thought him to be.
And if the things he said before Congress today haven’t convinced you of this truth, his comments made during an interview with the founder of La Republica should be enough to sway your conscience. Apparently, non-believers will be forgiven by God if they follow their conscience.
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WOW Lord help that man, he is so deceived! No God No Peace, Know God Know Peace!
Where did they get this person????? Maybe he should try reading the bible.
this guy needs to be thrown out of the Catholic Church he is another muslim loving freak
Wow. Talk about a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Misleading so many people
POPE , Really ,, If I remember my Bible right,, it says ,, Quote Gods words, (( ” No one comes to me except they come through my son Jesus first “)) I didn’t look that up word for word, but that is close !! Question ,, Did the Pope really say that or is someone just putting this on here to write something , is this more f**e news !!!!!!!!!!!!
Go To Hell Black Pope All your Moslems Too
Pope # 112 .
The Wolf in sheeps clothing is here leading his flock to hell
This Pope is unreal!