With all of the controversy that surrounds Pope Francis, there’s a growing weight in the minds of Christians and Catholics that he’s not the man many of them thought him to be.
And if the things he said before Congress today haven’t convinced you of this truth, his comments made during an interview with the founder of La Republica should be enough to sway your conscience. Apparently, non-believers will be forgiven by God if they follow their conscience.
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This MAN is NOT A pope
Who is this insane imposter. No Catholic I have ever known believes that for a minute. I was raised a Baptist and have always believed and been taught you have to except Christ to go to heaven.
He was put there as the real pope would not give absolution to child molesters.
He’s an Antichrist leading millions to hell.
You are talking c**p your passed your sell by date the world needs someone younger that’s not deluded and.human
And Satan told Eve , “You shall NOT surely die.”
Worst pope in my life time!
the pope is a liar.
Esp since there is no heavenly reward just do our best with time you have and make it count!!!