With all of the controversy that surrounds Pope Francis, there’s a growing weight in the minds of Christians and Catholics that he’s not the man many of them thought him to be.
And if the things he said before Congress today haven’t convinced you of this truth, his comments made during an interview with the founder of La Republica should be enough to sway your conscience. Apparently, non-believers will be forgiven by God if they follow their conscience.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
His comment destroys the Gospel and everything God is made of. Going by your conscience, make morality relative to the your interpretation or agenda. His statement lacks moral truth. It’s anti God
Oh yes you do Pope.
How did this man get to be Pope? He is not someone that should be in this position.
He is the forerunner for the Antichrist
surely he lies, Jesus is the only way, not mary, not the pope, Jesus, the living god
Is he for real?
He’s a deceiver. Don’t listen to him.
There’s a lot of people out there that don’t READ the Bible, and he’s got followers! Wow to him!!!
Don’t you just know the College of Cardinals are kicking each other for electing this$#%&!@*??
This is the same false prophet that said that Jesus failed on the cross. So much for being infallible!