With all of the controversy that surrounds Pope Francis, there’s a growing weight in the minds of Christians and Catholics that he’s not the man many of them thought him to be.
And if the things he said before Congress today haven’t convinced you of this truth, his comments made during an interview with the founder of La Republica should be enough to sway your conscience. Apparently, non-believers will be forgiven by God if they follow their conscience.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
What next ?????
Fruitcake pope. Gives popes bad name.
This mother fucker is nuts.
Blasphemy is what this religion is-
I believe he needs a nice vacation in the nut house
This is just crazy! This Pope needs to be ousted and a God-fearing man appointed!
This Socialist POS that was put into lead the Catholic Church by the New World Order and the Dumb Asses still try to defend this$#%&!@*Pope!!! This clown knows he is going to rot in Hell!!!!
Pope is working with the anti Christ
Matthew 18:6. He will answer to God.
With all do respect ?!!
Who elected this idiot to be God on earth?????!!!!