It would seem even the Pope is getting in on the Donald Trump bashing that’s been taking place for the past several months. As Pope Francis stood before a crowd of people, from the same lectern used by President Lincoln, when he delivered the Gettysburg Address, he not only thanked immigrants for coming to the United States, but he also told them that his heart goes out to them. That’s strange, considering the directly contradicting tales coming in from Italian reporters, claiming that Vatican officials are showing no love to the many refugees flooding Western Europe.
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Honestly WE americans don’t care what the pope thinks about trump.. as well as what the un thinks.. But We the people do care about the illegal immigrants that infest our nation…
Non of his business & don’t agree.
America’s churches don’t have any business in politics.
The Pope should stay out of this country’s politics! He has no business there. He is a very dangerous creature who should stay in the Vatican and shut his mouth!
pope aint part of this coumtry so who cares what he thinks hes a false prophet any ways
ignore his BS
Keep your nose out of our country
How many “immigrants” is the vatican taking in this year?
You can take them with you
Derek Eaglebarger That was my thoughts too. he sits in a safe seat to drive around in he has gaurds and no big worry about someone shooting him at home.