Catholic Church believes that abortion is an atrocious act, a grave sin and they have certainly excommunicated many for commiting the act.
However, because it is a Holy Year, a year of Jubilee, the Pope wants to show mercy and allow all priests to forgive any woman with a repentant “contrite heart”.
Pope Francis said that women who have had abortions, “bear in their heart the scar of this agonizing and painful decision” and thus mercy is to be shown during Dec. 8 to Nov. 26.
Read more on page 2.
This dude needs to be forced out.
Only God can forgive not the man!
Pope (head of the Catholic Church) legalises (to the Church) murder
This$#%&!@*needs a beating.
this Pope is a joke!
Do you go along with this Pope????
He seems to be off base some!!!
The devil avacote
You need to ask Gods forgiveness,man (Priest) can’t forgive in place of God,this Pope is a joke,I’m not sure why the Catholics are accepting of him,he is a false prophet and the most liberal Pope I remember thus far