Is the Pope Catholic?
The answer used to be obvious, and of course the answer is still “yes,” but lately the Pope has made more headlines for his liberal politics than his position within the church. As crazy as it sounds, it was easy to forget.
One would think it would be obvious that the leader of the Catholic church would be concerned about the Islamification of Europe, but this Pope has so far been hardly predictable. No one really knows where he will land on any particular topic.
To see what he has to say about Muslims flowing across Europe, and the protection of traditional values, continue reading on the next page:
behind your wall?
He is ripe for an old Pope home! He has lost his marbles and cant find them anywhere!
Does anyone ever look at the founding of the Roman Catholic Church and their history It is quite revealing
That is why he has Walls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have a wall Mr Pope
Trump 2016
Is he waking up to the dangers of Islam?
You stupid #$%^& #$%^&er “we” have been telling you this since 2001 twin towers!, and you and Obama continue to tell us not to worry, it’s all Good ! ” WELL IT’S NOT ALL GOOD “, and you have been Lying to us all ll!!!!!!!!! You have allot of asking forgiveness form our Lord God!
He is the false prophet
The answer now is Hell No, he works for satin.