Is the Pope Catholic?
The answer used to be obvious, and of course the answer is still “yes,” but lately the Pope has made more headlines for his liberal politics than his position within the church. As crazy as it sounds, it was easy to forget.
One would think it would be obvious that the leader of the Catholic church would be concerned about the Islamification of Europe, but this Pope has so far been hardly predictable. No one really knows where he will land on any particular topic.
To see what he has to say about Muslims flowing across Europe, and the protection of traditional values, continue reading on the next page:
They are coming for you Goomba.
He promoted it back in October !
Maybe you’ll have a house full soon.
Porter Leroy Maxwell believe what you wish. I know what scripture says and I read It daily and I have read it through several times. There has only been three persons that ever had the power to subdue or restrain the Anti Christ. That’s God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Your Roman Catholic ideals don’t hold water to a true Christian, your church did nothing but hinder and hurt the real Church for 14 hundred years plus. I laugh at your so called Papacy claim. Their were only 13 Apostles and the so called Papacy was never transferred or carried over. To be an Apostle one had to literally have a one on one Direct conversation with the risen Christ. The whole world see exactly where your so called papacy claims are taking this world today with the pope and his theories of all religions being of God. That’s the most absurd thing I ever heard, wait, I forgot his claims to no literal hell and his claims that the story of Adam and Eve being a fairy tale. So you take your ideals and share them with other inGodly people who will believe that nonsense.
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I agree with you kindly send me a friend request to have you as a friend
Fred Allen Neal, evidently you are unable to read. The demonic pope of Rome IS the Antichrist and has been ever since the beginning of the papacy which began at the end of the Roman empire. The damnable pope of Rome IS aiming to join all religions under his rule. Those who belong to pseudo-Christian cults, such as those belonging to the one-world World Council of Churches will go along since they are entirely apostate. ALL Christians from the Waldensians (who date from the apostolic age) through all the churches of the Reformation and even the Methodists recognize that the pope is the Antichrist, the man of sin and son of perdition.
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Of course he thinks he rules the world. Romanist doctrine claims that he is God on earth.
Who? I recognize no one who’s title thinks they are God on earth