Pope Francis is one of the biggest propaganda pieces of the New World Order. Just take his “vision“ for a One World Religion, which actually means to exploit all types of religious worshipers who will buy into this deceit.
According to Infowar‘s Alex Jones, the Vatican is feeding into a power hungry elitist agenda by ultimately destroying its own institution, but the millions of people who follow the pope’s guidance do not realize this.
Leo Zagami, who is highly involved in the Vatican, and with the higher level secret societies in Rome has warned the public for years about a pope who will preach that all religions worship the same god. You can watch Pope Francis’ unified religion trailer on the next page.
As a best selling author, Zagami has also warned over the coming of a “black, Jesuit pope,“ or this new pope, Pope Francis, who will probably resign and set a precedent for future popes to only serve for five to ten years, or less, or even suggest something as crazy as multiple popes.
Watch and Read more on the next page.
Let him tear down the walls surrounding the Vatican first, not all religions worship the same God, or Idols, Let Him walk humbly like Christ giving up all the luxuries he lives with, and open his big city to all immmigrants, live and talk by example
No, we don’t! What about all the “gods” the Hindus worship? I won’t even get started on any of the others. There is only ONE God, and He created everything! The Pope better wake up and repent before it’s too late!
Keith….no we Catholics know our bible…the word of God….no one can change one word of it or make new rules or commandments….if he says these things…..he will answer to God …..
Except Buddhism has no god, and muslims and Satan worshippers both worship lucifer…
This guy is getting as bad as OFAILURE, the racist muslime terrorist !
When Rome speaks of ecumenism it means all reconciled to the Catholic Church. It believes itself to be the one and only true church of God. Their own official document shows this…..http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19641121_unitatis-redintegratio_en.html
He’s right… Unless you have a deep personal relationship with YHWH through Jesus Christ, you are worshipping the devil, the God of this world!
He’s smoking that stuff !
Truth And Action…My IQ score of 116, and u?…
eTTYDpX (y) start now. ~~> http://goo.gl/vHcl6D
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