“Europe has forgotten its God and it now needs to allow in more illegal Muslim migrants,” stated Pope Francis in a recent speech to the EU.
When the Pope visited Turkey in 2014, he prayed in Istanbul’s Blue Mosque towards Mecca and stated it would be wrong to equate Islam with violence.
“Fanaticism and fundamentalism, as well as irrational fears which foster misunderstanding and discrimination, need to be countered by the solidarity of all believers,” Pope Francis stated in a speech to Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other political leaders.
See page 2 for more:
I hope that this is f**e news.
Their evil ways to the barbaric Muslim animals , Pope has failed
Oh please!!!!!
Not a fan of this Pope, he can open his home in Rome let all the Muslim’s in
Islam is EVIL. Pope have u read their Quran???
Définitivement , il veut réunir les grands religions et se prostituer avec eux comme la Bible le dit et la nomme la grand prostituer , le faux prophète , son but une religion , un gouvernement mondial pour préparer la place à l’ Antéchrist qui vie en ce moment même et pour pouvoir continuer â manipuler les fidèles qui s’ accrochent aux religions au lieu de s’ accrocher à Dieu par Jésus-Christ, de toute façon il fait son travail de sioniste .
You need hung scumbag