The historic break between the Roman Catholic Church and the reformers that occurred almost 500 years ago is not likely to approach anything resembling a healing as long as Pope Francis continues with the policies and positions he currently promotes. Needless to say, there are deep theological differences between the Vatican and protestant churches, but the current pontiff seems bent on making extraordinary statements that even have thoughtful Catholics very troubled. It is painful to write on this as no joy is derived from participating in nasty debates among those who claim to be Christians.
Several of Pope Francis’ more unimaginable statements are on page two.
The Pope is a huge joke. They all need to find God before they are fully exposed! Just ask Hillary how its working out for her.
Jesus was very clear….. pray for your enemies.
Like it or not……. don’t call yourself Christian if you are unwilling to do that.
He is a communist.
Give this Pope the exit the Catholic Church doesn’t need this garbage.
Pope Francis can join him in hell.
This guy isn’t no pope. He is a joke.
Catholics, have you ever wondered Who truly appointed him Pope? Never think for once that was not Gods will! You are following falseness if you give any credit to this man!
This “Pope” is a DISGRACE to All CATHOLICS!!!!
The Bible say except a man be born of the water and the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven so just saying at the end forgive me is not going to cut it
You don’t condone sin, he’s telling people you can do whatever evil you want and that at the end someone says forgive me or this pope pray for him and he’s going to heaven, that’s why people are giving up on religion because these do call leaders are serving the world instead of god, if it’s a sin call it a sin and stop$#%&!@*footing around to not offend anyone, this man is a worker of Satan and he’s going to take a lot of people to hell with him with his lies and deceit, I rather be a sinner then follow this man