The historic break between the Roman Catholic Church and the reformers that occurred almost 500 years ago is not likely to approach anything resembling a healing as long as Pope Francis continues with the policies and positions he currently promotes. Needless to say, there are deep theological differences between the Vatican and protestant churches, but the current pontiff seems bent on making extraordinary statements that even have thoughtful Catholics very troubled. It is painful to write on this as no joy is derived from participating in nasty debates among those who claim to be Christians.
Several of Pope Francis’ more unimaginable statements are on page two.
im sure franks all torn up over castros death
if the Pope honors Castro for all his deaths he caused then that makes us all saints then. This Pope is a true Anti-Christ or wanna be for sure.
I know where Fidel Castro is…he’s in his grave.
Where has the Father said that forgiveness only requires, “asking” for it? Has repentance ceased to exist?
The pope will even pray over one of them right wingers….
Your an evil Pope, how are you even still there. You can’t be Catholic
I am not Catholic but have a lot of respect for the Church. However this Pope ? Scares the daylight out of me. He is a fraud if ever there was one.
Fire pits of hell
Not a Pope
I was born and raised Catholic , After this so called Pope and the Catholic Charities funding the muslim invaders I no longer feel this is a religion I can support or follow