The historic break between the Roman Catholic Church and the reformers that occurred almost 500 years ago is not likely to approach anything resembling a healing as long as Pope Francis continues with the policies and positions he currently promotes. Needless to say, there are deep theological differences between the Vatican and protestant churches, but the current pontiff seems bent on making extraordinary statements that even have thoughtful Catholics very troubled. It is painful to write on this as no joy is derived from participating in nasty debates among those who claim to be Christians.
Several of Pope Francis’ more unimaginable statements are on page two.
idiot and evil
It doesn’t surprise me at all. The Catholic church was in cahoots with$#%&!@*killing the Jews
Too late
Two stupid old men!
Should pray for the thousands of Victims killed and imprisoned By this Monster that he was and his miserable family still in control
AMEIN!!! O:) There is a Plethora of Proof that Pope Francis I is The Last Pope!!! :O Saint Malachy (Irish Saint & Archbishop of Armagh) & Michael of Our Lady (Michel de Nostredame) Predict in Specific Details all the Popes from their time until now (Malachy predicted in 1139 that there would be only 112 more popes before the Rapture occurs!!! :O Pope Francis I fits the prophecies also in detail and is the 112th & LAST! EXAMPLES: Pope No. 108: Paul VI (1968-78). The prophecy for the 108th pope was, “Flos Florum”, which means “Flower of Flowers.” Paul VI’s coat of arms contained three fleurs-de-lis (Isis blossoms).
Pope No. 109: John Paul I (1978). The prophecy for 109th pope was “De Medietate Lunae,” which means “the Half Moon.” John Paul I was born in the diocese of Belluno (beautiful moon) and was baptized Albino Luciani (white light). He became pope when there was a half moon (Aug. 26, 1978). He died the next month right after an eclipse of the moon.
Pope No. 110: John Paul II (1978-2005). The prophecy for the 110th pope was “De Labore Solis,” which means “from the labor of the sun.” John Paul II was born during an eclipse of the sun on May 8, 1920. As the sun rises out of the East, so he came to the Vatican from the east. Wherever on the earth the sun shines, he visited.
Pope No. 111: Benedict XVI “Gloria Olivae,” which means “the glory of the Olive.” Associated with the Order of Saint Benedict, also known as the Olivetans!
LAST POPE No. 112: Francis I “Peter The Roman” He is of Italian descent & took the name of Francis which is Pietro Franchesco or Peter Francis & Pope is now Bishop of Rome. More >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> :O What do you dial in Rome for Emergency??? 112 not 911 People AND we have just elected the 112th Pope since the Prophecy of Saint Malachy! Also Michael of Our Lady who was a Jewish convert and lifelong Catholic (Michel de Nostradamus) predicted the “black pope” as the last pope. The head of the Jesuits has always been referred to as “The Black Pope” because the Jesuit Order has an enormous powerful influence in the Church. The title stuck because Jesuits wear black robes, not white. Pope Francis is without question the top ranking Jesuit in the world! :O >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Even More Mind Boggling Proof that we are at the LAST POPE! :O All The Pope’s Portrait Medallions At Saint Paul’s Basilica. (Where Saint Paul is Buried!) See for yourself. The Long Walls & The Entire Basilica Is Full ! :O Take Virtual Tour With Beautiful Sounding Gregorian Chant!!! O:) O:) O:) >>> The Basilica of Saint Paul’s, Outside the walls of the Vatican, one of the Papal Basilicas has every single Pope’s Portrait Medallions. See for yourself on this virtual tour direct link with Gregorian Chant. With the election of Pope Francis I there no more room for any more Popes on this last long wall to the immediate right of the altar! So take now this virtual tour. Look at bottom row right side of the altar and then ZOOM IN (+) and you will clearly see Pope John XXIII, Pope Paul VI, John Paul I is out of view behind pillar, then you see John Paul II. Finally you can easily see Benedict XVI (Lighted/illuminated) near the end of row with only one space left on the long side wall for Francis I. 😎 Look 😎 above to see the COMPLETELY FULL ROWS of ALL the earlier Popes. Signs of the Times. A SIGN OF THE END OF THIS AGE!!! :O O:) O:) O:) Saint Paul’s Papal Basilica Virtual Tour Link>>>
Communist schill. He’s going straight to hell. So is Castro!!
This pope is off the wall !!!
It has been said that many will be surprised who they see in Heaven. Just before his death Fidel could have asked forgiveness for his sins from GOD. The Father is true to His word and would forgive Fidel if He asked.
there is no amount of prayer that will save his soul