The historic break between the Roman Catholic Church and the reformers that occurred almost 500 years ago is not likely to approach anything resembling a healing as long as Pope Francis continues with the policies and positions he currently promotes. Needless to say, there are deep theological differences between the Vatican and protestant churches, but the current pontiff seems bent on making extraordinary statements that even have thoughtful Catholics very troubled. It is painful to write on this as no joy is derived from participating in nasty debates among those who claim to be Christians.
Several of Pope Francis’ more unimaginable statements are on page two.
Who cares what this poke thinks
He’s a communist not a Catholic because a true Catholic would never support Castro
It appears that the old boy has given up on fat little boy’s !
Poor Catholics, that’s not what the Bible says. It’s too late for him. I don’t care what some man with robes say, a sinner like me. I care what God’s word says.
Well castro in burning already in hell so i dont think this pope knows anything
Jean munoz get your picture up will fidel was Catholic he was there leader you all say he oppressed his people lol what like the hillary Clinton supporters go be nice to them see how far it goes ats what happens when you don’t take charge you took out saddam made things 10 times worse u helped overthrow gaddafi and the place was doing well you tried to over throw assad I wonder if you idiots focus on your own$#%&!@*and stop saying stupid$#%&!@*then start worshipping the devil if you don’t like fra ok away join a cartel gang kill gang rape en pray or away back home to Mexico fidel is dead he’s his Pope and you oppressed the Cubans with trade embargoes but I guess it’s OK when it was bush to obama you talk sum s**t
What about all Castros victims mr pope, maybe you can mourn them to while you’re at it,
False prophet