The historic break between the Roman Catholic Church and the reformers that occurred almost 500 years ago is not likely to approach anything resembling a healing as long as Pope Francis continues with the policies and positions he currently promotes. Needless to say, there are deep theological differences between the Vatican and protestant churches, but the current pontiff seems bent on making extraordinary statements that even have thoughtful Catholics very troubled. It is painful to write on this as no joy is derived from participating in nasty debates among those who claim to be Christians.
Several of Pope Francis’ more unimaginable statements are on page two.
He saying “pray for those who persecute you”
Where have we heard that before?
P.S…. it’s “God” not “god”.
That THING “THEY” call pOPE.
Sorry Pope but old man Castro died and is going Express to Hell where he belongs along with Che.Raul is the next one,these three are confirmed murderers of a lot of people.
It’s to late Pope . unless he repented and said Jesus is lord he’s lost and you can’t do zip about it