Perhaps Pope Francis is too secure behind the Vatican walls to understand the seriousness of the crisis. Or perhaps he is too much a socialist to see the huge social and economic upheaval that is happening that could spell the end of Europe as we know it.
But for whatever cause, Pope Francis, who to date has invited a total of three Muslim families to enter in to the Vatican for a visit, seems to think that the armies of Muslim migrants pouring into Western European countries are nothing to be concerned about. He is absolutely wrong, it is an economic and sociological disaster.
He also seems to not understand the huge cultural threat this represents, nor the danger of the situation to the citizens of Europe. He seems to think that ISIS and Islam can be separated, and Islamic refugees should therefore not be a cause for worry. He does not suggest a way to clearly distinguish one from he other.
It is no doubt pleasant to sit behind the Vatican walls in incredible opulence and security, postulating about the xenophobic, tight-fisted Europeans who are having second thoughts about opening up their countries to an endless stream of Muslim refugees. The hypocrisy is simply shocking.
See page 2 for quotes from Pope Francis:
This is just and evil satanic human that is hiding behind the walls of the Vatican. He may think he is religious but he is just plain evil
Whoa he doesn’t know the real truth and has put Jesus in the same category as mohammed and really thinks we can follow Islam which is evil hope God wakes him up or hes going to be one DEAD pope
Wonder if he breeds little candle lighters !
Remove this idiot.
Are you just not paying attention!! We in this world are over populated!! We’re killing this planet because we don’t have any real check or balances for our own behavior!! News flash we need all of these animal species and plant life in order to keep balance!! Where the hell have you been!! It’s definitely not in the reality zone!! POPE in fraud!!
You could be right! Something is seriously wrong with him.
Total nut !!!
This is sick!!!!
If he said this he is speaking in direct opposition to the Bible, which states, in 2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV),
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Muslims are not believers in the one true God nor in Jesus Christ.
I hope d Pope is not being corrupted by oil money fr. d Muslim world.