Pope Francis had some harsh words for President Trump and his supporters at large over the weekend.
According to Pope Francis, he decides who is and who isn’t pro-life, and if you don’t support liberal policies, you actually support the killing of babies.
Except the policies he wants you to support don’t really have anything to do with killing babies and everything to do with protecting adult criminals or illegal aliens.
Maybe this Pope confuses his phone calls to George Soros with his talks with God. Something has to be a bit off as his statements on the next page attacking all the ‘deplorables’ sure don’t seem to align with the scriptures.
Head on over to the next page to hear Pope Francis tell you that you are not really pro-life if you disagree with the New World Order.
The pope is proving that he is an idiot. What does DACA have to do with Pro-Life?.
Gay baby rapist, you’ll get your judgement day
How about you take care of the Pedophile priests in the Catholic church and live outside those secure walls in the real world
This charlatan can go suck a wet dart out of his$#%&!@* He doesn’t tell the President or America what we will or won’t do. He is a false prophet the black pope and just and all around$#%&!@* He does not represent God.
Think we will just ship them all to the Vatican. I’m sure you can care for them just fine, although you will have to sell off some of the billions of dollars worth of art and historical artifacts that the catholic church has amassed over the centuries.
Hey Your Popleeness. Keep your$#%&!@*out of US politics.
First of all the Pope should not be political. Second DACA has NOTHING to do with Pro Life. It has to do with our Constitutional LAWS
Apples and oranges, not a logical comparison, the unborn vs dreamers. Dreamers had and still do the opportunity to live. The unborn, aborted children had no opportunity to live.
President Trump is far more intelligent and wiser than this pope
this pope is not a wourd leader , but he thinks he is