Pope Francis had some harsh words for President Trump and his supporters at large over the weekend.
According to Pope Francis, he decides who is and who isn’t pro-life, and if you don’t support liberal policies, you actually support the killing of babies.
Except the policies he wants you to support don’t really have anything to do with killing babies and everything to do with protecting adult criminals or illegal aliens.
Maybe this Pope confuses his phone calls to George Soros with his talks with God. Something has to be a bit off as his statements on the next page attacking all the ‘deplorables’ sure don’t seem to align with the scriptures.
Head on over to the next page to hear Pope Francis tell you that you are not really pro-life if you disagree with the New World Order.
If you are really the pope, then you must reconsider the pedophile clemency you talk about and have those criminals imprisoned and worry about your own job and let our POTUS do his. He doesn’t tell you how to do your job, does he?
One has nothing to do with the other.
And the say guy who did nothing to the known “Pedophile Priests”. I think he’s “off his rocker”.
Bud out padra
If he was a good Pope he would get rid of the child abusing priests in the Catholic Church and stop Judging And criticizing Donald Trump!
come on dude…..he’s not killing the illegals…..the democrats do that with the unborn….
This Pope is all “smoke and mirrors” for COMMUNIST AGENDA of New World Order!!! The “DO AS I SAY…….NOT AS I DO” CROWD!!!!
pope… he did reconsider … he sent the DACA thing to the House where it should have been in the first place. worry about your wayward priests and quit sticking your nose into matters that it does not belong.
And you mr pope should take care of your pedophile priests…