Unlike many of his predecessors, Pope Francis wasn’t brought into power to show more people the light of the Lord. He was brought in much like former President Barack Hussein Obama, to virtue-signal to the world the lies of the intended One World Order.
That is why Pope Francis decided to use the birthday of Jesus to preach to the world why we should be accepting of all refugees, even those that seek our demise. Although to many eagle-eyed or rather eared folks these remarks only served to fuel their suspicions this Pope is not truly a man concerned with the Kingdom of Heaven.
His remarks served to direct men towards embracing the liberal agenda, and the destruction of the West. Which for some reason seems to be the way Pope Francis imagines God’s vision for the world.
Head on over to the next page to view these shocking statements for yourself!
Open the Vatican and your house
This pope is no Christian he is a Anti Christ Puppet! No Pope has been in Politics an to tell us we are nit Christians cause we don’t take Terrorist refugees go right ahead Mr. Pope open your doors an wall let them in are you a Christian
And it is not your place to judge people it is the Lord’s.
How many are you taking into the Vatican?
This Pope is totally irrelevant and a big disappointment…
He’s an Evil man
Obama effect
Not talking about America we got millions.
Jesus hates you
Pope. Why don’t you take them.all in.