Unlike many of his predecessors, Pope Francis wasn’t brought into power to show more people the light of the Lord. He was brought in much like former President Barack Hussein Obama, to virtue-signal to the world the lies of the intended One World Order.
That is why Pope Francis decided to use the birthday of Jesus to preach to the world why we should be accepting of all refugees, even those that seek our demise. Although to many eagle-eyed or rather eared folks these remarks only served to fuel their suspicions this Pope is not truly a man concerned with the Kingdom of Heaven.
His remarks served to direct men towards embracing the liberal agenda, and the destruction of the West. Which for some reason seems to be the way Pope Francis imagines God’s vision for the world.
Head on over to the next page to view these shocking statements for yourself!
An pope who give you the right to judge. HE WHO JUDGE OTHER PUTS JUDGEMENT ON IMSELF ..an how many refugees have you let in behind that wall… JUST SAYING
Not true!!
The Antichrist.
The Pope and his entire staff are insane idiots who want to take THE WESTERN WORLD BACK INTO THE DARK AGES. !!!!!!!
let them come live in your house
Mary and Joseph were chosen by God, to usher in the Messiah! Illegal immigrants usher in destruction! The pope needs first hand experience
Plus, they weren’t refugees, they were traveling for a state ordered census, necessary to fulfill scripture! Micah 5: 2
You are absolutely correct, Linda Stroud Huggins!
Hey…Cuck…Lead by example…Open the gates to the Vatican…
Joseph was not a foreigner seeking refuge since he was from Bethlehem. – – An edict from the centralized Roman government forced Joseph and Mary to expend valuable resources to >>>>> return to their place of birth to register for a tax (Luke 2:1-7). <<<<