During his 7-day South American tour, Pope Francis continued his call for a new world order with a “new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the earth are shared by everyone, not just the rich.”
Hmmm, the whole idea of a new world order comes from the upper most ‘rich’.
He can kiss my lollipop
He’s a Marxist…wants a cl$#%&!@*less society!
Never forget. Jesus wins!!! Get right with GOD!
Didn’t $#%&!@* want this too….
He has gone off the rails!!!!
False prophet Pope. Anti-Christ Obama.
In order to be a prophet, of any kind, you must first make a prophecy.
Preaching the love of Christ, Really?
Socialism in action.
You mean just like in the Bible?
Pope is false prophet. Anti-Christ is Obama.