During his 7-day South American tour, Pope Francis continued his call for a new world order with a “new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the earth are shared by everyone, not just the rich.”
Hmmm, the whole idea of a new world order comes from the upper most ‘rich’.
He needs to go home an fast
We Have To Be Careful Of This Man. He Is On The Borderline Of Dangerous!!!!!
He needs to home, sorry excuse for a pope. In my opinion.
Well, we’ve gone from “soap on a rope” to a dope for Pope! Know why I am Protestant now.
the pope is the false prophet of satan and it says that NWO would never work and 95% of america dont want it its for the elite terrorists
Obama and the Pope have the same vision. AntiChrist is here.
donald trumph isnt going for the NWO satan worshipers and who knows if were lucky we’ll get to see barry hussein obomba get the first use on him with there guiloteens
The first Marxist pope
Has this Pope gone senile ?
This guy is scary !