During his 7-day South American tour, Pope Francis continued his call for a new world order with a “new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the earth are shared by everyone, not just the rich.”
Hmmm, the whole idea of a new world order comes from the upper most ‘rich’.
He is either the Anti-Christ thinking he is God on earth, or he is the False Prophet.
the last pope…
Great idea for the P**p! Squat on an available toilet, and take a Pope, or even better, an Obama!
Charlie, can you predict a date for this ‘death’ event? I’ve got balloons, noise-makers, parades, and party hats ready!
That man was chosen by man, not God. He doesn’t speak for me. He’s supposed to be a religious leader, not someone with a political agenda.
looks like the beginning of the false profit described in the bible
This guy is nothing but a socialist/communist.
This is what has been prophesied. It’s eerie how God’s Word is alive and more so now!!!!! 🙂
Thhat tells who he is !!!……And it is NOT Christian !!!