During his 7-day South American tour, Pope Francis continued his call for a new world order with a “new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the earth are shared by everyone, not just the rich.”
Hmmm, the whole idea of a new world order comes from the upper most ‘rich’.
The Catholic Church is still very wealthy. Sounds like they plan to be the oficial church of the NWO.
this is one pope not needed.
When will we or they learn that there is NOTHING new about the new world order. It is as old as the Bible, and damaging to the people’s well being and God given rights. The pope should know this.
God is the excuse of primitive people for natural phenomenon they can’t explain.
When the power to believe is greater than the power to know it becomes a threat to life itself.
The pope is evil
Wizard! .
The head pedophile
The Pope should stop this promoting A New World Order talk and stick to matters of the church.