During his 7-day South American tour, Pope Francis continued his call for a new world order with a “new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the earth are shared by everyone, not just the rich.”
Hmmm, the whole idea of a new world order comes from the upper most ‘rich’.
He needs to resign his position…..He is not a Catholic or a Christian.
You fit in the category of you can’t fix stupid
I’m beginning to think this guy may be a lion in sheeps clothing.
his political agenda is exactly what God’s prophesy states
F the pope …
I hope catholics boycott his visit in the US. He doesnt know the bible.
I don’t like this “New World Order” thing. It is highly suggestive of communism.
The church itself does not need one man to be in-charge, other than Jesus Christ. Christ has the moral authority over us all and he gave his life on the cross so that we can have salvation for believing in him and so we all one day have eternal life with Father God in Heaven. Let us all trust in God and forget about trying to have a “king” (i.e. the Pope) in charge of the church. Christ is the King (not the pope), he is risen, and he lives today. Regarding the pope and his endeavor for a one world government, that is what happens when you have someone who is head of state (the Vatican) and the catholic church who wants more control over many millions of people around the world and becomes corrupted by liberalism and its progressive ideology that somehow man must be strictly governed to prevent some “colossal” harm to the environment. There are smart ways to maintain a clean environment, but not at the expense of hindering economic growth or applying a liberal way of thinking that leads to worldwide socialism (which is equal misery amongst us all). The pope’s idea for a new economic and ecological world order are treacherous and not at all compatible with Christianity. The pope is incredibly deceiving and catholics or Christians around the world would do best to focus on serving God and spreading the Gospel of Christ rather than giving any credence to this man (the pope). For disclaimer purposes, I am a Christian (not a catholic Christian) and I can see how much harm this one many is doing as he deceives so many millions around the world. I believe it is time for catholics to give up on the Pope and focus their efforts on serving God. Any effort by the pope to establish a one world government should be resisted. Nobody should ever consider following the pope, which would only lead to man’s economic destruction. This makes me wonder what other ulterior motives the pope has aside from supposedly trying to “help the poor” around the world. That is a lame excuse for his agenda. Daniel 7 is world a read.
Him and his buddy Obama know what they can do with they”re New World Order. People better read up on what World Order means, most don”t have a clue.
He should concern himself with priest and children.