During his 7-day South American tour, Pope Francis continued his call for a new world order with a “new economic and ecological world order where the goods of the earth are shared by everyone, not just the rich.”
Hmmm, the whole idea of a new world order comes from the upper most ‘rich’.
so true, Charlie & Maida ….SO TRUE !!!!!!!!
He is the devils right hand..he’s no saint..seriously read.
No Way !!!!!
Hes not my pope..I’m in america..This,man is evil..people
Yeah and the pope wants to be the supreme religious leader of the world with all of our churches under his control….believe it or not!
New world order? Yup that sums it up, he is a communist. He is no more sinless than any other communist. He better start praying to God instead of trying to changes gods world to Satans world
Robin you must be blind and ignorant of the communist agenda. This pope is a communist. He is not a godly man
This would be laughable if these comments weren’t so sad. What on Earth has this man done to any of you, that you would judge him so harshly. The Pope, God incarnate on Earth. You all do realize that your words are blasphemous, right.
…and you call yourselves Christian. God have mercy on your wretched souls.
Obama is not the anti-christ..possibly the third for the evils third. both sides run in 3’s